
  • PG Speech at The Annual Conference Of Delegates

    Comrade Chairman looking back, the last year can be described as a year of two sides. On one side you can argue that it was a year of crisis both internationally and nationally, but on the other side you can also argue that we witnessed the

  • President General Labour Day 2010 Message

    Comrades welcome to Fyzabad!! Welcome! Welcome to this most sacred and hallowed grounds! It is on these grounds on this junction some 7 something years ago, workers with a big dream laid down with blood a foundation for a new Trinidad and Tobago! 

  • President General Ancel Roget’s 2009 Labour Day Message

    Trinidad and Tobago is in crisis. It is a crisis that runs deep within every family and everycommunity. We need not look far but only to read the papers, talk to friends and family or even

    strangers in a taxi. 

  • PG Speech at The Annual Conference of Delegates 2010

    Comrade Carlton Gibson, First Vice President and Chairman of our 71st Annual Conference of Delegates; our feature speaker, Cde. Gonzalo Berron, Adviser for the Area of Regional Integration of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA), delegates to this 71st Annual Conference of Delegates.